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Tips to Overcome Symptoms of Nicotine Dropout Due to Quitting Smoking

Stopping smoking is not easy. For some people, stopping smoking can cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can cause physical and mental problems, such as stress, anxiety, and feeling weak, although generally only temporary. Complaints especially felt about 48 hours after stopping smoking and will subside after 3-4 weeks later. Nicotine dependence makes a person's body need these substances in certain levels every day. When nicotine intake is stopped, nicotine withdrawal symptoms may arise, such as headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or flu-like symptoms of muscle pain, coughing, and weakness. In addition, the possibility of nicotine withdrawal symptoms can also be psychological problems, such as difficulty concentrating, anxiety, the desire to return to smoking, irritability or feelings of being sensitive, difficulty sleeping, to excessive hunger. That is why, not infrequently those who gain weight because they eat more after quitting smoking.

Minimize the Symptoms of Nicotine Breakup

To minimize the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, there are several ways to choose, including:
  • Counseling

  • The purpose of this therapy is to help find triggers for the desire to smoke, for example emotional situations or conditions. Then, together with a counselor or therapist, find a way to overcome this without smoking. Handling with psychotherapy or behavioral therapy can also be done to help stop smoking more effectively.
  • Utilizing nicotine replacement therapy

  • This therapy provides nicotine intake without being accompanied by other harmful chemicals that are usually contained in tobacco cigarettes. For people who experience disturbing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, this therapy can help alleviate it. This nicotine replacement therapy can be used the same day a person decides to stop smoking. Generally available in the form of chewing gum, lozenges, patches attached to the skin, or nasal spray, and inhalers.
  • Using medicines

  • Under the supervision of a doctor, nicotine withdrawal symptoms due to quitting smoking can be treated with drugs. The buproprion drug can be used together with nicotine replacement therapy. In addition, there are also varenicline drugs that can inhibit the effects of nicotine in the brain. For sufferers of heart disease or mental disorders, you should be more wary of using this drug.
  • Implement combination therapy

  • For example, using nicotine patches while chewing gum, and doing behavioral therapy plus nicotine replacement therapy or drugs. Undergoing combination therapy will usually be more effective in dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and stopping smoking.
No need to quickly despair when trying to stop smoking. Not all smokers successfully stop at the first attempt. They have to do many experiments, ranging from several weeks to months. Some steps that can be taken include diverting to a healthy balanced nutritious food, or buying other things according to the hobby of the usual money bought cigarettes. Ask your family and friends to support your efforts to stop smoking. Motivate yourself and always remind yourself of your main goal to stop smoking. If you decide to use drugs to treat nicotine withdrawal symptoms, consult your doctor first to get the right type of medication and dosage.
